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Ugborough Village

Keep up to date with the Bugle - emailed local information - or follow Ugborough Parish Matters
on Facebook.
Contact web team for details below

   LATEST NEWS:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


   Ugborough Parish Newsletter - July/August 2024      Here

  • Ugborough Post Office - Thursdays 10am - 12.30pm  St Peters Church - Refreshments  10am to 11.45am

  • St Peters Church & Three Rivers Mission Services & other Worship Opportunities - details in Newsletter

  • Erme Valley RDA Annual Coffee Morning Week - 1st to 6th July 10am to 2pm each day - The Brook
  • G Up Meeting - Future of the Public Toilets - 2nd July 7pm - Ugborough Village Hall
  • Ugborough Seated Exercise Class - 5th, 12th & 19th July 1.30pm to 2.30pm registration from 1.15pm - £5 per session - Ugborough Village Hall 
  • Fair Concert - 6th July 7pm - St Peters Church Ugborough -Tickets £5 on the door (under 16s free)
  • Dog Show - 7th July 12.30pm Dog Training Demonstration & 1.30pm Showing Classes - Church Green
  • Pizza & Prosecco - 8th July 5.30pm to 8.30pm - Church Green
  • Quiz Night - 9th July 7.15pm for 7.45pm - Ugborough Village Hall
  • 5k Fun Run (5.45pm warm up for 6pm start) & Treasure Hunt (3.30pm) - 10th July - Village Square - details in Newsletter
  • Landrover Rally - 12th July 6pm - Donkey Lane field
  • Fair Day - 13th July 2pm - Village Square
  • Ladies Lunch - 17th July Noon - The Ship - PREBOOKING ESSENTIAL - details in Newsletter
  • Ugborough Parish Council Monthly Meeting - 17th July 7.30pm - Ugborough Village Hall
  • Erme Valley RDA AGM/BBQ - 18th July 6pm - The Brook
  • Ugborough Sustainable Saturday - 20th July  10am to Noon - Ugborough Village Hall
  • Songs of Praise Service - 21st July 9.30am - St Peters Church Ugborough
  • Messy Church Goes Wild - 28th July 4.30pm to 6pm - Outdoor Fun Afternoon - details in Newsletter


For Parish Support during the Covid Pandemic and beyond click here​​

See here for other local events

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